Definition of Skin Cancer

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, May 18, 2012

Skin cancer is the growth of cells in the skin at the level of the abnormal. Causes of skin cancer is different and the level of malignancy was different. Skin cancer most commonly occurs in the lining of squamous cell carcinoma, basal and melanocytes. Skin cancer usually grows in the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin), so a tumor (lump) can be seen from the outside, so that the skin cancer is a type of cancer most easily found symptoms in its early stages. Skin cancer is also the least risk of cancer death in people, it is because the skin is rarely able to reach vital organs such as the heart, lungs, kidneys and brain stem in humans.

When the skin is often itchy rash, often irritated, hardened surface, lest skin cancers are ready to 'devour' your skin. Skin cancer is one of the easiest cancers to be prevented and treated. However, the disease is often poorly known. Basically everyone can experience skin cancer. High-risk groups are those related to excessive sunlight for a long time. Alternatively, those with a bit of melamine content in the skin such as the ones with bright colors.

Owner eye colors are also more at risk of skin cancer than black people. Its also prone to skin cancer are people who live in areas that get a lot of sun as asia region. Or who work in the open air as farmers, sailors, construction workers and others. Similarly, people who like to do outdoor activities such as tennis players, surfers and bask in the sun. Thus we must be alert to the possibility of skin cancer in old age group, skin color or are exposed to bright sunlight.

Skin cancer can also occur due to direct contact with carcinogenic substances (such as coal, pesticides, paraffin oil), and can also result associated with the remnants of radioactive and radium. In addition, skin cancer that can be experienced by people who often experience repeated burns, such as welders, oil and others.


Types of skin cancer are basal cell, squamous cell and malignant melanoma. The first two types are the most common and less dangerous than malignant. Basal cell carcinoma most commonly found in people with bright color on a daily basis dealing with a lot of sunshine. The most frequently attacked skin cancer is found in the nose, eyelids, cheeks or body. Cancer is characterized by bumps on the surface of the skin, soft crust, the hand injury occurs, the limit seems like a wax with the former slightly thickened skin.

Can also be obtained leather flat with the middle red and the former hardened lumps. Although basal cell kasinoma is a form of skin cancer that most often occurs, but this type of cancer grows slowly, and rarely spreads easily overcome. Squamous cell carcinoma usually occurs on sun-exposed areas, especially the head and hands of this skin disorder and can be opaque solids or solids stand shaped like a big mushroom. This type of cancer can spread quickly.

Malignant Melanoma is a form that is more rare but spread the fastest and require the most intensive treatment. Melanoma usually are found on the skin, moles or patches since birth. but it can also occur diamana including under the nails, mucus membranes and heels. Forms of interference can be a little bump (less than 1.5 cm) fester or crusty, flat or raised and can be black, gray or blue. If the cancer has spread, to form one of the three forms that are difficult to distinguish, namely: lentigines (flat, horizontal growth), surface (well defined, horizontal growth) or modular (palpable, growing vertically).


Examination of the skin in a simple to find the existence of signs of skin cancer can be done alone by SSE (skin self-examination), especially on any skin, mole or scar tissue patches from birth. SSE is recommended every month at the same time as each date one evening after a shower. For women SSE can dlakukan concurrently with BSE (breast self examination) breast self-examination or realize.

In addition to signs such as the SSE is observed, it is also necessary to observe signs of change as traditional as the growth of new skin that is not fair, the wound does not heal or a certain part of the skin that often become irritated. If there are a variety of conditions as mentioned above it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately. There is and whether the cancer can be confirmed by biopsy, to suspect that when skin cancer. the first step. Rapid self-examination can prevent this disease.

More aboutDefinition of Skin Cancer

How to Prevent and Overcome Hypertension

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, May 10, 2012

To prevent high blood pressure for those who still have normal blood pressure or high blood pressure for those who already have high blood pressure, the following practical suggestions you can do:
  • • Reduce consumption of salt in your food. If you already have high blood pressure you should avoid foods that contain salt.
  • • Consumption of foods containing potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium, magnesium and calcium can reduce high blood pressure.
  • • Reduce drinking alcoholic beverages or food. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should avoid excessive alcohol consumption. For men who suffer from hypertension, amount of alcohol is permitted a maximum of 30 ml of alcohol per day while women 15 ml per day.
  • • Regular exercise can lower high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, choose light exercise such as walking, cycling, running relaxed, and swimming. Do it for 30 to 45 minutes a day 3 times a week.
  • • Eat vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber such as green vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, and oranges.
  • • Run anti-stress therapy to reduce stress and you are able to control your emotions.
  • • Quitting smoking also contributes greatly to reducing high blood pressure or hypertension.
  • • Control your cholesterol levels.
  • • Take control of your diabetes.
  • • Avoid drugs that can increase blood pressure. Consult your doctor if you are receiving treatment for a particular disease, to ask for drugs that do not increase blood pressure.
More aboutHow to Prevent and Overcome Hypertension

Causes of Hypertension

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, May 2, 2012

There are several things that can cause a person has high blood pressure. There are factors that cause high blood pressure that you can not control. There is also that you can control so that it can cope with high blood pressure. Some of these factors include:


This factor can not you control. If someone has a parent or relative who has high blood pressure, then it is likely he suffered from high blood pressure is greater. Statistics show that the problem of high blood pressure is higher in identical twins than identical twins are not. A study showed that there is evidence derived genes for high blood pressure problems.


This factor can not you control. Research shows that as people grow older, blood pressure will rise. You can not expect that your blood pressure will be the same as young as you get older. But you can control so as not to pass the upper limit of normal.


These factors can you control. Salt can increase blood pressure in some people quickly, especially for diabetics, people with mild hypertension, people with old age, and those who were black.


These factors can you control. Excess fat in your blood, it can cause cholesterol deposits in blood vessel walls. It can make blood vessels constrict and blood pressure will increase as a result. Control your cholesterol as early as possible. For tips on controlling cholesterol, please see the following article: cholesterol.

Obesity / Overweight

These factors can you control. People who have a body weight above 30 percent ideal body weight, are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure.


These factors can you control. Stress and emotionally unstable conditions can also trigger high blood pressure.


These factors can you control. Smoking can also increase blood pressure to be high. Smoking habits may increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Therefore, smoking habits continued when having high blood pressure, is a very dangerous combination that will trigger diseases related to heart and blood.


These factors can you control. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea and cola drinks can cause increased blood pressure.


These factors can you control. Excessive alcohol consumption also causes high blood pressure.

Poor Sports

These factors can you control. Lack of exercise and movement can cause increased blood pressure in the body. Regular exercise can lower your high blood pressure but do not do heavy exercise if you suffer from high blood pressure.
More aboutCauses of Hypertension