Classification and Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, June 1, 2012

In general, skin cancer were divided into two groups: non-melanotic and melanotic (melanoma). Non-melanotic divided into basalioma (basal cell carcinoma) and squamous cell carcinoma.

Basalioma most frequent but slow growth. Usually these tumors arise in the skin of the face (nose, eyelids, lips, and forehead skin). Growth begins with small nodules with red shiny gray color, sometimes blackish color because of the pigment. Types of metastatic cancer is rarely done.

While squamous cell carcinoma can grow anywhere. But more signage on the cheeks, ears, back, arms and legs. This type of cancer is growing progressive but slow, invade surrounding tissue, and can do metastatic. Growth starts from wart-like form groups, then irregularly shaped, berbenjol-bumps and bleed easily.

Types of melanoma skin cancer is the most malignant tumor of the skin melanocytes derived from the skin cells that produce the pigment melanin. It usually occurs in the neck, legs, and back. Symptoms of melanoma growth can be seen from the changes in moles that grow quickly, itch, become inflamed, bleeding, and changes in color and texture.

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