Common Symptoms of Brain Tumor and Cancer

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, April 16, 2012

Brain tumor is a disease that attacks the brain. Because the brain is one of the most important organs of the body, other organs can be affected, so that death may occur. Brain tumors can affect anyone, even children and adolescents, but in general, tumors invade the productive age or older.

Although deadly, brain tumors do not always result in death. Today medical science has developed rapidly, diagnostic techniques and treatment has given hope for brain tumor patients.

Several factors affect prognosis (life expectancy) patients with brain tumors, among others: the ability of early detection; ability to know the exact location of the tumor in the brain; edge diagnostic technologies and therapies (surgery) such as CT scan, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image), a microscope.

The brain has different parts and different functions, so symptoms that occur when the brain cancer became different also. Common symptoms of brain cancer depend on which part of brain cancer that grows.

Common Symptoms of Cerebral

Symptoms of brain cancer is in the form of mild mental changes or called psychomotor asthenia. Mild mental changes can be felt by the immediate family of the patient. Examples of mild mental changes are easily offended, like emotions, forgetfulness, mental activity slow labile and lost the initiative.

brain cancer: an example of the location of brain cancer Includes general cerebral symptoms is the loss of spontaneity, likely to be found and also the occurrence of anxiety / depression. Symptoms of brain cancer is progressing progressive and can be found in 2 of 3 cases.

Head Pain

Next is a symptom of brain cancer with the occurrence of headache. Experts estimate that 1% of the cause of the headache is due to brain cancer. And an estimated 30% of the initial symptoms also occur brain tumors and brain cancer is experiencing pain in the head.

The nature of the headache varies. Ranging from mild and episodi, moderate, and even brain cancer symptoms severe and throbbing headache. Symptoms of brain tumor headache is generally at night gain weight.

Including when I wake up in the morning and turned the high elevation of intracranial pressure. The presence of pain in the head with psychomotor asthenia and this needs to be aware of the occurrence of suspected brain tumor or brain cancer.


Symptoms of brain cancer with the occurrence of vomiting was found in 30% of cases. And general symptoms of brain cancer vomiting is accompanied by headache. In case of headache accompanied by vomiting it is necessary to be aware that this is a symptom of brain cancer.


Symptoms of brain cancer seizures are early symptoms of tumor / brain cancer was found in 25% of patients with brain cancer and found more than 35% kaksus seizures at an advanced stage. As well there were an estimated 2% of the cause of the seizures is a tumor / brain cancer.

Best fits to watch and suspected cause of seizures is a tumor / brain cancer when experiencing seizures in status: epilepsy. Seizures was found in 70% of tumors in the brain cortex. Found in 50% of patients with astrositoma, 40% in patients with meningioma, and 25% in glioblastoma.

Symptoms of brain cancer

Among other symptoms of brain cancer is the alias of reduced visibility from less alert. Including interference in the talks and pendengara. Among them is also the disruption in the running (balance) and neurological disorders. If the baby is usually bigger crown and prominent.

What I wrote above is just a symptom. But that does not mean in the event of any of these symptoms in you or your family was then convicted of brain cancer, it's not necessarily obvious brain cancer. To make sure you can consult and check into the nearest hospital or doctor.

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