Definition of Coronary Heart Disease

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coronary arteries are blood vessels that serve the heart of the food supply to the cells of the heart. Coronary heart disease occurs when the coronary arteries are blocked or narrowed due to fatty deposits, which gradually accumulate in the arterial wall. Accumulation process is called atherosclerosis, and can occur in other arteries, not only in the coronary arteries.

Lack of blood supply due to narrowing of the coronary arteries cause chest pain called angina, which usually occurs during physical activity or stress. If blood does not flow at all because of the blocked coronary artery, the patient can suffer fatal heart attack. Heart attacks can occur anytime, even when you are resting.

Coronary heart disease can also lead to weakened heart pump power so that the blood can not circulate through the body perfectly (heart failure). Patients with heart failure can be hard to breathe because his lungs filled with fluid, feeling very tired, and swelling in the legs and joints.
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Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Thursday, August 9, 2012

Treatment of Mesothelioma with Photodynamic Therapy

Several experimental therapies are currently being conducted for mesothelioma cancer treatment, one of the most promising is a technique called Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). The difference between cancer pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma Mesothelioma or commonly called asbestos cancer, is a cancer that is very aggressive and deadly, the disease affects the lining the chest (pleural mesothelioma) and abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma), are generally less responsive to traditional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. A number of other treatments, such as gene therapy, immunotherapy and alternative approaches may provide hope for people with mesothelioma cancer.

Photodynamic therapy or fotodinamis therapy is one type of mesothelioma treatment is very promising future. This method combines three separate elements are nontoxic, photosensitizing compound, oxygen and visible light. Fotodinamis therapies targeting mesothelioma cancer cells. Usually given during or after surgery to remove the remaining part of the tumor.

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Unlike chemotherapy and radiation, which tends to have an effect on the body burn patients, Photodynamic Therapy provides a clear advantage that it does not kill healthy cells-non-cancerous cells. This means that the side effects of cancer treatment can be reduced and thus mesothelioma mesothelioma prognosis will be better. In America, Photodynamic Therapy is approved by the Food and Drug Administration-an agency-POM are like in Indonesia for several types of cancer, although its use to treat mesothelioma are still in the experimental stage.
More aboutMesothelioma Cancer Treatment