Classification of Lung Cancer

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, June 25, 2012

Lung cancer can be divided into three categories: small cell carcinoma, non-small cell carcinoma and mesothelioma:

1. Small cell carcinoma

About 15% of lung cancers are small cell carcinoma. Cancer is growing and growing fast. In most people, the type of lung cancer is discovered late, when it is not possible to cure.

2. Non-small cell carcinoma

This is the most common type, is found in about 80 percent of patients. This cancer develops slowly over several stages in the lung tissue. The cells are attacked primarily to the cells that line the lungs (main bronchus) and smaller airways.

3. mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a cancer of the pleural membrane cells in the lungs. Cancer is rare and is strongly associated with exposure to asbestos. The development of mesothelioma is very slow. Sometimes 25-50 years elapse between exposure to asbestos and the development of this disease.
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Definition of Lung Cancer

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lung cancer is the growth of cancer cells that are not controlled in the lung tissue. Pathogenesis of lung cancer is not completely understood. Looks like bronchial mucosal cells metaplastik changes in response to chronic exposure to inhaled particles and injured lung. In response to cellular injury, inflammatory reactions and processes will evolve. Basal cell will undergo mucosal proliferation and differentiated into mucus-secreting goblet cells. It looks like the turn of events caused metaplastik layer columnar epithelium with squamous epithelium, which is accompanied by cellular atipia and increased mitotic activity which developed into mucosal dysplasia. The range of time this process has not been established, only estimated to be between 10 to 20 years.

The origin of the causes of lung cancer cells is still unclear. During these two theories evolve,

  • • Theory pleuripotential cell by Auerbach, who explains the deviations that occur in the process of differentiation of stem cells into other cells.
  • • Theory of a small cell by Yesner, which explains the small cell neoplasms transforming and evolving into cancer cells
However, it is known that genetic mutations in p73, p53 and PRB, in addition to the role of c-MYB oncogene, c-MYCA, mycc c-, c-raf, L-myc, N-myc, K-taste, c-Fura, N-race, H-ra, c-erbB1, c-fms, c-fes, c-RLF, c-erbB1, c-ErbB2, c-sis, BCL1.

According to WHO, lung cancer is the leading cause of death in the group of cancer in both men and women
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Treatment of Skin Cancer

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, June 9, 2012

If you choose the medical treatment of skin cancer, then the action taken is usually surgery or removal of tissue (cancer), or can be the action of radiation. Other methods are also often done is frozen surgery, surgical power, laser, photodynamic along with medicines either topical or injected (chemotherapy).

However, there is also an alternative treatment of skin cancer with herbal plants which now demand a lot of people, as an alternative to an affordable cost. Indonesia is rich in a variety of plants that can be used as a herbal medicine, among many plants that serve as a natural cancer cure, there is one who occupies a position of 'excellent' to cure various types of cancer, including skin cancer, the name of this herb is derived from the ant nest Papuan forest wilderness.

Ants Nest has been empirically proven to get rid of a variety of serious diseases including cancer and tumors. Let us uncover the mystery behind its success. Various studies have been conducted to determine its content plays an important role in crushing of cancer and tumors. The result?

Dr M. Ahkam Subroto, Expert Researcher from LIPI Biotechnology Center, revealed that the active compounds contained in ant nests are flavonoids, tannins and polyphenols that act as antioxidants in the body so it is very appropriate to be used as a cancer drug.

Ant nests contain active compounds antioxidants (tocopherols and phenolic). According to Prof. Dr. Elin Yulinah Sukandar, Professor of Pharmacy ITB, tocopherol content was quite high. Tocopherol functions as an antioxidant and anticancer properties. He counteract free radical attack antidegeneratif way. Compounds rich in vitamin E was also useful as anti-aging.

When we eat a lot of fat and free radicals, tocopherol will handle, "said Ahmad Sulaeman, Nutritionist Doctor Alumnus University of Nebraska Lincoln. Role of vitamin E is vital for health. It prevents unsaturated fatty acids, components of cell membranes from oxidation by free radicals .

Research suggests that the alpha-tocopherol at a concentration of 12 ppm have been able to reduce free radicals by 96%. While ant nests are rich in antioxidant compounds, up to about 313 ppm. So no wonder herb is known to have a rapid response to help suppress cancer, tumors, and various forms lumps that could be a tumor or cancer.

In vitro tests, it is evident that the ant nest as a potent cancer drug. Which proves the efficacy of it is Qui Kim Tran from the University National of Hochiminch City along with colleagues Yasuhiro Tezuka, Yuko Harimaya, and Arjun Hari Banskota working at Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University.

In their study, the Qui Kim Tran using ant nests weighing 2-3 kg, and then extracted with different solvents such as water, methanol, and methanol-water mixture. They then grow three highly metastatic cancer cells can spread to alias other body parts such as cervical cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer.

Each extracted is then given to every cancer cell. The results are truly amazing, Ants Nest apparently has a strong antiproliferation activity! Which inhibits the spread of cancer cells, which spread even faster and abnormal. These stunning properties, making the ant nest as an alternative cancer treatment are much in demand, including for the treatment of skin cancer.

Ants Nest also contains flavonoids that are useful as antioxidants that help to prevent and treat cancer, protect cell structure, increase the effectiveness of vitamin C, anti-inflammatory and as an antibiotic. There are several mechanisms of flavonoid in combating tumors / cancer, such as inactivation of carcinogens, antiproliferation (inhibits the multiplication of abnormal cells in cancer), inhibition of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis and differentiation, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal of multi-drug resistance or a combination of mechanisms mechanism.

No doubt about it. Ants Nest scientifically proven as a natural cancer cure that really works. Many people have been convinced of the usefulness awesome. As one alternative skin cancer treatment, ant nests has helped many people find healing in a cheap and safe.

With Ants Nest healing of skin cancer can be obtained without having to spend a lot of cost and time. Because according to the users, after 1-2 months they consume these herbs, the body is able to feel any significant change, the cancer stopped spreading and began to shrink in scale.

This is evident from the statement that has been introduced Hendro Saputro ant nest as a medicinal plant since 2001. He revealed that those who ate a lot of the get herbal healing really completely, as in brain cancer, uterine cancer, and prostate cancer. In Natural Magazine, he commented as follows, "average who drank boiled ant nest and get the results after a week and some even three days have seen the results."

A concrete example of the commentary has been perceived by customers Mecodia capsule (product extract ants nest) with cancer, the average reported already feeling the benefits only after using for 1-2 months!

In fact many customers are already undergoing medical treatment with chemical drugs, as well as combine it with Mecodia, and feel the healing process faster than ever before. This fits with the comments contained in Dr Gods Poster Magazine, "Patients who combines antioxidants and chemical medicine physician heal faster than just using chemical drugs."

Similar results were also felt by cancer patients who have used anti-cancer herbs such as Noni Juice and Keladitikus, then combine them with ant nests. Stated that the average perceived healing process gradually felt faster!

Various studies and the positive results from the use of the ant nest as a natural cancer remedy, of course, make herbal ant nests can be used as one of the best options as an alternative treatment of skin cancer, not only because of economic reasons, but in some cases healing can also be obtained without having to through the treatment process that often feels exhausting and painful, surgery, chemotherapy, and without having experienced various other negative side effects due to medical treatment.
More aboutTreatment of Skin Cancer

Classification and Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Friday, June 1, 2012

In general, skin cancer were divided into two groups: non-melanotic and melanotic (melanoma). Non-melanotic divided into basalioma (basal cell carcinoma) and squamous cell carcinoma.

Basalioma most frequent but slow growth. Usually these tumors arise in the skin of the face (nose, eyelids, lips, and forehead skin). Growth begins with small nodules with red shiny gray color, sometimes blackish color because of the pigment. Types of metastatic cancer is rarely done.

While squamous cell carcinoma can grow anywhere. But more signage on the cheeks, ears, back, arms and legs. This type of cancer is growing progressive but slow, invade surrounding tissue, and can do metastatic. Growth starts from wart-like form groups, then irregularly shaped, berbenjol-bumps and bleed easily.

Types of melanoma skin cancer is the most malignant tumor of the skin melanocytes derived from the skin cells that produce the pigment melanin. It usually occurs in the neck, legs, and back. Symptoms of melanoma growth can be seen from the changes in moles that grow quickly, itch, become inflamed, bleeding, and changes in color and texture.
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