Alzheimer's Disease Prevention

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Taking fish oil, exercising regularly and filling activities puzzles are being touted beneficial for the brain. But according to recent studies, there is no strong evidence that it can prevent disease Alzheimer.Sebuah expert panel consisting of experts concluded, supplements, drugs or social interaction has not been shown to prevent degeneration of the brain. The expert group was observed dozens of research that suggests ways to prevent Alzheimer's, a disease that damages the brain and can not be treated. But it has not found any evidence strong enough impact on prevention.

There is no consistent definition of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline in conditions that cause it. Doctors do not fully understand how the disease develops. For example, there is disagreement about whether the amyloid plaques found in the brains of people with the cause of the disease or just the symptoms. Currently, there are few drugs to treat Alzheimer's, but the effect is only sementara.Serangan Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a gradual loss of the power of thought, and can ultimately be a total mental disability. Early symptoms of Alzheimer's is easy to forget the things that are done and new things. Patients also experience disorientation of time and difficulty of complex cognitive functions such as mathematics or activities of the organization.

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by severe progressive memory loss to interfere with daily activities, disorientation places, people and time, as well as in self-care problems, such as forgetting to replace pakaian.Penderita disease usually also experience behavioral changes such as depression, paranoia, or aggressive. People who have a family history of Alzheimer's are at risk experience and risk is increased if both parents suffer from Alzheimer's.
More aboutAlzheimer's Disease Prevention

Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Monday, February 20, 2012

Following the discovery of kinom in humans, protein kinases have become the second most important priority in the recovery effort, and therefore can be modulated by small molecule ligands. The role of kinases in the molecular trajectories neurons continue to be studied, but some of the main path has been found. A protein kinase, CK1 and CK2, was found to have a role that has not been known, the molecular pathology of several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral amiotrofik. Search of specific organic compounds inhibiting this enzyme works in both, now it has become a challenge in the treatment of diseases mentioned above.


Donepezil is a drug taken orally to treat Alzheimer's disease low level to medium. Donepezil is available in oral tablet form. Usually taken once a day before bedtime, before or after meals.

Your doctor will give you a low dose at first and then increased after 4 to 6 weeks. Side effects that often occur while taking donepezil were headache, whole body pain, lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, cramps, joint pain, insomnia, and increased frequency of urination.


Rivastigmine is a drug taken orally to treat Alzheimer's disease low level to medium. After six months of treatment with Rivastigmine, 25-30% of patients rated improved on tests of memory, understanding, and daily activities than in patients given placebo only 10-20%.

Rivastigmine is usually given twice a day after meals. Because of its side effects on the gastrointestinal tract at the beginning of treatment, treatment with Rivastigmine generally start with a low dose, usually 1.5 mg twice daily, and gradually increased not more than 2 weeks.

The maximum dose is usually up to 6 mg twice daily. If the patient is experiencing indigestion worse because of side effects such as nausea and vomiting, medication should be stopped for a few doses and then continued with the same dose or lower. Approximately half the patients taking Rivastigmine be nausea and vomiting at least once a third, often occurs in the first few weeks of treatment in treatment when the dose increased. Between one-fifth to one quarter of patients experience weight loss during treatment with Rivastigmine (about 7 to 10 pounds).

A sixth patient had a decrease in appetite. One of the fifty patients experiencing dizziness. Overall, 15% of patients (between one-seventh or one-sixth) discontinued treatment due to side effects.


Memantin is a drug taken orally to treat diseases Alzhaimer Moderate-to-severe degree by a mechanism distinct and unique keja by improving the process of glutamate signaling. The drug is started with a low dose of 5 mg every week for 3 weeks to achieve the optimal dose of 20 mg / day.

For drug selection dementia or Alzheimer's drug is right it's good you have to consult and consult a doctor.

More aboutTreatment of Alzheimer's Disease

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Sunday, February 12, 2012

Simtoma klinis

Gejala-gejala Demensia Alzheimer sendiri meliputi gejala yang ringan sampai berat. Sepuluh tanda-tanda adanya Demensia Alzheimer adalah :

• Gangguan memori yang memengaruhi keterampilan pekerjaan, seperti; lupa meletakkan kunci mobil, mengambil baki uang, lupa nomor telepon atau kardus obat yang biasa dimakan, lupa mencampurkan gula dalam minuman, garam dalam masakan atau cara-cara mengaduk air,
  • • Kesulitan melakukan tugas yang biasa dilakukan, seperti; tidak mampu melakukan perkara asas seperti menguruskan diri sendiri.
  • • Kesulitan bicara dan berbahasa
  • • Disorientasi waktu, tempat dan orang, seperti; keliru dengan keadaan sekitar rumah, tidak tahu membeli barang ke kedai, tidak mengenali rekan-rekan atau anggota keluarga terdekat.
  • • Kesulitan mengambil keputusan yang tepat
  • • Kesulitan berpikir abstrak, seperti; orang yang sakit juga mendengar suara atau bisikan halus dan melihat bayangan menakutkan.
  • • Salah meletakkan barang
  • • Perubahan mood dan perilaku, seperti; menjadi agresif, cepat marah dan kehilangan minat untuk berinteraksi atau hobi yang pernah diminatinya.
  • • Perubahan kepribadian, seperti; seperti menjerit, terpekik dan mengikut perawat ke mana saja walaupun ke WC.
  • • Hilangnya minat dan inisiatif
Orang yang sakit juga kadangkala akan berjalan ke sana sini tanpa sebab dan pola tidur mereka juga berubah. Orang yang sakit akan lebih banyak tidur pada waktu siang dan terbangun pada waktu malam.

Secara umum, orang sakit yang didiagnosis mengidap penyakit ini meninggal dunia akibat radang paru-paru atau pneumonia. Ini disebabkan, pada waktu itu orang yang sakit tidak dapat melakukan sembarang aktivitas lain.

Simtoma paraklinis

Pada otak penderita Alzheimer, ditemukan:

  • • penumpukan peptida dengan panjang 42-43 AA yang disebut amiloid-beta, dikelilingi neurita distrofis. Amioid beta merupakan protein iris dari APP (bahasa Inggris: amyloid precursor protein)
  • • filamen PH yang menumpuk di dalam soma,
  • • suatu lesi yang disebut badan Lewy
  • • rasio proNGF yang tinggi. ProNGF merupakan prekursor hormon NGF yang sering juga ditemukan memiliki rasio tinggi pada manusia berusia lanjut
  • • rasio protein S100-beta yang tinggi, sebuah protein yang selalu dijumpai pada fase perkembangan neurita. Interaksi antara protein S100-beta dan tau dianggap merupakan simulator perkembangan neurita.
  • • tingginya rasio kemokina CCL2 yang merupakan kemotaksis utama dari monosit.
  • • gangguan metabolisme glukosa serebral pada area hipokampal, dan hilangnya neurotransmiter kolinergic kortikal, dan rendahnya laju O-GlkNAsilasi pada otak kecil. O-GlkNAsilasi adalah salah satu proses glikosilasi modifikasi paska-translasi dari protein nukleositoplasma dengan beta-N-asetil-glukosamina yang bergantung pada metabolisme glukosa.
  • • defisiensi CD36 atau EAAT.
More aboutDiagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Saturday, February 4, 2012

  • people with hypertension who reach the age of 40 years and over
  • People with diabetes
  • Lack of exercise
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Heredity - have family who suffer from this disease at the age of 50's.
More aboutRisk of Alzheimer's Disease